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    Hello Doges!

    We are here today to bring everyone so much needed information on our Governance System we have implemented.

    DogeCash has implemented a new Governance/Budget Allocation system with on chain voting. It is open to all Masternode holders, you will need atleast 1 Masternode in order to vote. Discussion chat is in our discord, threads are to be made here in our subreddit. All questions are welcomed and encouraged. For this system to work everyone needs to be and should be properly informed. The system is taking 10% from the block rewards to create a 50k DOGEC budget per month. The coins are ONLY allocated/used if proposals are created AND passed. If there are no proposals for the month the coins are burned/not created. These funds do not go to the developer at the end of the month. This system is strictly for all of us to make DogeCash a stronger community and coin.


    So, lets get down to business!

    There is actually 2 commands for getting a proposal paid for and then to actually submit the proposal so everyone can view and vote from their wallets.

    First, we have the “preparebudget” command. This is the command that will pay the 350 DOGEC fee required to submit the proposal.

    Syntax is as follows: "Preparebudget <proposal_name> <url> <payment_count> <block_start> <DOGEC_Address> <monthly_payment>"

    Proposal Name – 20 Character limit so keep it short and sweet.

    URL – This must not be a super long link. So after following [Proposal Thread Formatting] ( we must use a URL shortner. Recommended use is

    Block Start – is for when the proposal is going to start. If we are less than 14400 blocks from the next super block as listed in the Governance tab in top right, we need to start at the next superblock. Now pick your starting block, remember we cannot exceed our monthly allocation. The budget left is also displayed in the top right of Governance tab.

    Payment Count – is for a single payment or reoccuring monthly payments for X amount of months you choose. This is to allow for more proposals throughout a month and for more longer term projects that can take more than a month.

    Monthly Payment – is the total for the payout of that month. If you are a 1 month proposal thats the total proposal cost. If you are multi month proposal that is divided by the months the proposal is running as you chose in Payment Count.

    For example preparebudget should look like this:

    preparebudget "Test_Proposal" "" 1 56500 DgC52hHzaS369HaFppLiq 5000

    This has all required syntax filled out. It is a 1 month long proposal with a total payout of 5000 DOGEC to the address specified and starts at block 56500.

    Once we have the command prepared it needs to be sent through our Debug Console in the wallet. It will respond with a TXID, this will deduct -350 DOGEC from your wallet balance.

    Save that TXID.

    Now we have successfully paid the budget we need to submit it. Wait atleast 6 minutes to let the TXID you sent with prepare budget to confirm. While waiting we will prepare the submitbudget command.

    Take the preparebudget command we just used and change prepare to submit. Then we add the TXID to the end of the command. Lastly, we send the command again through Debug Console.

    For Example:

    submitbudget "Test_Proposal" "" 1 56500 DgC52hHzaS369HaFppLiq 5000 asd5347dhsva8372937zvacdi

    Proposal Submitted! You should find the proposal in your wallet now.

    in Governance
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