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    Hello Doges,

    The long-awaited DogeCash Wallet update is here! This wallet represents a huge step forward in the development of the new era of DogeCash. We are bringing us much more up to date once again and bringing far more stability to the network, and fixing all the little gremlins that have plagued us.

    You can update at your earliest convenience, but no later than block 1122000 (~August 1) to prevent being isolated from the network.

    Notice this release is incompatible with the old wallet.dat system, so please follow this guide carefully:

    We’re also happy to release a beta version of the brand-new DogeCash website:

    Take a look and let us know your feedback!

    This is only the beginning. A lot of awesome things are coming. Stay tuned!

    The DogeCash Team.

    in Announcements
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